
TMG Branded Resins: Optimizing Value & Performance

The Materials Group offers our own proprietary line of TMG custom compounded and recycled plastic resin materials, including:

We contract with custom compounders to manufacture prime and recycled resins based on TMG formulations and our customers' specifications.

You can rest assured that our materials meet the strictest standards for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. The TMG staff works directly with large automotive OEMs such as Ford, General Motors and Chrysler to receive approval for our proprietary materials, and we provide the testing capability to meet automotive OEM specifications.

The Materials Group is ISO 9001:2015 registered, and we contract only with accredited testing laboratories with A2LA certifications.

Select a link above for more information, and then contact us to learn how your products can benefit from our proprietary custom compounded and recycled plastic resins.